Dull and Damp

A couple of moody images from a walk round Digley Reservoir near Holmfirth in Yorkshire last week.

Digley Reservoir

July 2023 has been a strange one in terms of it’s ‘un-seasonal’ weather. While most of southern Europe is struggling with extremely high temperatures, the UK and our northern neighbours are shrouded in rainy gloom and buffeted by awkward winds. I find myself struggling to find the motivation and imagination to venture out and do anything creative or energetic in the face of this apparent misery. It seems that most of my favourite activities and creative passions take place outdoors and thus my participation therein is dictated by the weather. That got me thinking… Is my participation dictated by the weather or do I simply allow it to so be? The truth is that whenever I actually brave apparently foul weather and make the effort to go out, I never regret it. On some occasions I may not manage to capture any portfolio worthy images, indeed, sometimes my camera hasn’t even left the shelter of it’s bag, however, the simple act of getting out is perhaps the significant point. All that being said, there will doubtless be times in the future when still I will avoid going out, citing the less than perfect weather as an excuse for my idleness. But my buddies, the moorland, the forests and other wild places, will be waiting for me when I eventually decide to get off my lazy arse and pay them a visit. As I emerge from my safe and cosy, domestic womb they will no doubt greet me with a cheery “Where have you been, dude? We’ve been having a great time! Get over here and join the party!”

The pics in this blog were captured on one of the occasions that I ‘made the effort’. It wasn’t all plain sailing, however. It was dull and overcast with sharp and regular rain showers. It was too breezy to fly my drone but not quite windy enough to stop the migies biting. In spite of all that negativity I did get a couple of half decent photos and was lucky to see a beautiful barn owl hunting low over the rough pasture. Wild creatures like the owl put my lack of motivation into shameful perspective. They don’t have the luxury of being able to stay in when the weather is less than ideal, they have to find food and feed their young. Their motivation comes from the imperative of survival.